Look Beneath Your Feet
Training in the Ways.
One does not enter into a Dō art to learn how to do it or excel in it, but rather, to instill in one’s self the naturally imbued principle contained in the art. By grasping the natural principle one transcends forms and techniques and eventually masters the self.
The Dō prevents self-deception.
The Dō forms are the means by which Zen is kept in touch with everyday life. At the same time, they act only as the vehicles by which the individual can reach spiritual enlightenment that culminates in self-perfection. In Zen, the worst obstacle to self-perfection is self-deception. The Dō prevents this.
Entering Zen through the body.
The Dō teaches one to enter Zen through the body. When the principle of Shin Ki Roku Ichi (oneness of mind and body through proper breathing) is grasped, tension and relaxation, calmness and alertness will become correctly balanced. One’s entire being enters the work which will exhibit graceful power and beauty whether it be a shot in Kyudo, a swordcut in Kendo, or a bowl in ceramics.
Endless repetitions and the True Self emerges.
Hyakuren Jitoku means to pursue one’s task diligently through endless repetition and realize self perfection and grasp the natural principle. Mastery of Dō arts cannot be grasped through haphazard training methods. One must train deeply in a Dō to cut through the maze of habits that have accumulated since birth and return to the True Self.
Dying the Great Death.
One must “Die the great death” before one is able to be born again and return to the original self. To die is to abandon all self illusions and ego, to be free from dualism and become one with the universe.
Our Lineage of Rinzai Zen
Our unique style of Rinzai Zen was first brought to Madison by Kenneth Kushner Roshi in 1982. Kushner Roshi trained under Tenshin Tanouye Rotaishi at Daihonzan Chozen-ji in Hawai’i. Chozen-ji is the only temple with the designation of Daihonzan, or central temple, outside of Japan. This has allowed a new lineage of Rinzai Zen, with its emphasis on physical training and development of Ki’ai, to take root in the West. To this day, the teachers and students at Daikozen-ji and Chozen-ji maintain a close relationship and regularly train together in the Way.
Daikozen-ji is the temple headquarters of the religious, non-profit organization called Chosei Zen which also includes the Spring Green Dojo, Rhode Island Zen Dojo, and the Virtual Dojo.
Together, we help anchor a broad network of people around the globe all training in Zen with the same vigorous, physical spirit.