New Students
All Are Welcome
We have students and instructors who come from all over the world and from very diverse backgrounds. No prior experience is necessary, just a sincere desire to realize the True Self.
Zen Training
Zen is an assault on duality: Mind-Body, Self-Other, Life-Death.
We train rigorously using the traditional forms of Rinzai Zen, martial arts, and fine arts.
How To Join
We offer weekly Intro to Zen classes. All new students are expected to complete a series of intro classes prior to joining regular classes, even if they have prior meditation experience.
What To Expect
Daikozen-ji is a Zen temple and martial arts dojo, with a strong emphasis on the martial arts and entering Zen through the body. Expect a serious, intense atmosphere with strict rules.
Physical contact is expected in the martial arts, and is a component of all of our training. Physical corrections may be made during meditation, including the use of a keisaku (encouragement stick).
Shouting or Kiai practice is a training tool that is utilized in all of our martial arts classes.
What To Wear
Please wear loose-fitting and dark-colored clothing without distracting patterns or prints. Clothing worn to the temple/dojo should always be clean and free of holes. No shorts, tank tops, or leggings/yoga pants. No strong odors or perfumes.
Students who decide to join any of our martial arts classes will need to purchase a uniform which consists of a gi, hakama, and obi. We have a few common sizes on site for purchase or will direct you to where to place an individual order.
How To Behave
All participants are to be dignified in appearance and behavior at all times, with a respectful attitude toward teachers and fellow students.
It is best to pay attention and follow the example of senior students since the minimal amount of words and explanation is used during training periods.
Verbal corrections, when they are given, are immediate, direct, and may feel sharp. This is not to be taken personally. Do not give excuses or explanations, just make the recommended adjustment.
Intro to Zen Class
Classes are offered every Tuesday evening at 6:45 pm. New students must sign up for beginning instruction.
Location: 2540 E. Mifflin St. Madison, WI 53704
Cost: Participants are encouraged to leave a donation.
Everyone Contributes
Zen training is available to any and all regardless of ability to pay. However, we expect people who train with us to contribute by volunteering during work days and by making donations to help support the expenses of our dojo. Please give what you can. Donation boxes are located near the entrances. One-time and monthly recurring donations can be made online using the link below.