Zazenkai is a time for student led Zen training. There's no set schedule or format. Zazenkai can last several hours, an entire night, or a night and a day.

Spring Sesshin
This is a formal 3-day intensive meditation training. Sesshin is for current Zen students training in one of our dojos.

Summer Sesshin
This is a formal 6-day intensive meditation training. Sesshin is for current Zen students training in one of our dojos

Intensive Live in Period
This is one week that is set aside for an intensive live in period of training. For anyone who wishes to go deeper in their training.

Winter Break
Daikozen-ji will be taking a month-long pause from in-person classes and daily morning and evening meditations for the month of February. During this time, we encourage students to continue their practice independently, maintaining the commitment and rhythm of training at home. For those interested, Chosei Zen will offer online resources and events; you can explore these at choseizen.org. This is a valuable opportunity to deepen self-guided practice and reconnect in new ways. We look forward to resuming our in-person offerings in March and to seeing everyone refreshed and ready to continue their journey.

Winter Sesshin
This is a formal 6-day intensive meditation training for students who have established a regular practice in one of the Chosei Zen Dojos.

Zazenkai is a time for student led Zen training. There's no set schedule or format. Zazenkai can last several hours, an entire night, or a night and a day.

HaraZen Workshop
We are pleased to announce HaraZen, a workshop that will take place at Daikozen-ji in Madison, WI on Sunday, November 10th. The instructors are Ken Kushner Roshi and Ellen McKenzie.

Fall Sesshin
This is a formal 3-day intensive meditation training. Prior experience with meditation is strongly recommended.

Work Day (Spring Green Dojo)
Come join the work crew to help with various projects at the Spring Green Dojo.

When No Thing Works
Please join us at Daikozen-ji for what promises to be a fascinating evening as Norma Wong Roshi reads from her upcoming book When No Thing Works.

Zazenkai is a time for student led Zen training. There's no set schedule or format. Zazenkai can last several hours, an entire night, or a night and a day.

Zazenkai is a time for student led Zen training. There's no set schedule or format. Zazenkai can last several hours, an entire night, or a night and a day.

Work Day (Spring Green Dojo)
Come join the work crew to help with various projects at the Spring Green Dojo.

Introduction to Zen
Are you new (or returning) to meditation and want to learn the fundamentals? This “crash course” will introduce you to Rinzai Zen seated meditation and training.

Summer Sesshin
This is a formal 6-day intensive meditation training. Prior experience with meditation is strongly recommended.

Resonate - Zen and the Way of Making a Difference – A talk and booksigning with author, Ginny Whitelaw
Join Ginny Whitelaw in exploring ideas and experiencing practices from her award-winning book, Resonate.

Intensive Live in Period
This is one week that is set aside for an intensive live in period of training. For anyone who wishes to go deeper in their training.

Shodo Intensive
In this shodo intensive, led by Esteban Martinez Sensei, students will practice the basic forms and techniques of shodo relating to Zen training as a meditative activity. This intensive is appropriate for both new and experienced students.

Introduction to Zen
Are you new (or returning) to meditation and want to learn the fundamentals? This “crash course” will introduce you to Rinzai Zen seated meditation and training.

Work Day (Spring Green Dojo)
Come join the work crew to help with various projects at the Spring Green Dojo.

Introduction to Zen
Are you new (or returning) to meditation and want to learn the fundamentals? This “crash course” will introduce you to Rinzai Zen seated meditation and training.

Spring Sesshin
This is a formal 3-day intensive meditation training. Prior experience with meditation is strongly recommended.

Work Day (Spring Green Dojo)
Come join the work crew to help with various projects at the Spring Green Dojo.

Introduction to Zen
Are you new (or returning) to meditation and want to learn the fundamentals? This “crash course” will introduce you to Rinzai Zen seated meditation and training.

Zazenkai is a time for student led Zen training. There's no set schedule or format. Zazenkai can last several hours, an entire night, or a night and a day.

Introduction to Zen
Are you new (or returning) to meditation and want to learn the fundamentals? This “crash course” will introduce you to Rinzai Zen seated meditation and training.