

Night Kyudo
Kyudo Training


The literal translation of kyudo is “The Way of the Bow” (弓, kyu, “bow”; 道 Dō, “the Way”). The word Dō signifies that the bow is used as a tool of spiritual development, and distinguishes kyudo from kyujutsu (術,jutsu, “art”, “technique”), the practical application of archery as a fighting or military discipline. Thus, kyudo can be considered with other fighting arts that have evolved into spiritual disciplines, such as kendo (the “Way of the Sword”) and judo (the “Way of Yielding”), as well as fine arts, such as shodo (the “Way of the Brush”) and kado (the “Way of the Flower”). Omori Sogen Rotaishi stated that, when practiced at the highest levels, any form of budo (“Martial Way”) is no different from the practice of Zen.

Wednesday 7 PM

Saturday 7 AM

Class includes 45 minutes of Zazen