坐 禅
Zazen can be literally translated as “Seated Zen” (坐 za -“seated”, “sitting”; 禅 Zen - from Sanskrit dhyana , “meditation”). However, zazen is usually translated as “Zen Meditation”. Traditionally it is performed on cushions in a seated position. From a broader perspective, zazen refers to the total interfusion of mind and body to attain realization of the True Self. According to Eno Daikan Zenji (Hui-Neng in Chinese, the Sixth Patriarch of Zen), “to sit, means to be free from all obstacles and externally not to allow thoughts to rise from the mind over any sphere of objects. To meditate means to realize the imperturbability of one’s original nature.” Thus, zazen can be performed in any activity.
Monday - Friday 6 AM
Monday - Thursday 7 PM
Saturday - Sunday 8 AM